Monday, 4 December 2006

Reply from David Cameron MP, (sort of)

Just over a month after my letter to David Camron (below), I got a reply.

The letter, from a member of Mr. Cameron's staff, sought to "assure" me "David and the Conservative Party are committed to the Union". I didn't need reassuring of that, I needed reassuring that Mr. Cameron was prepared to stand up for England.

Not so. Although David agrees that "it is important that we have a fair and stable financial relationship between the different parts of the Union", the Conservatives want to keep the Barnett Formula. This is despite the fact that, last year, spending per head was over 20% higher in Scotland than in England*. Nice one, Dave.

Nothing was said of the discriminatory top-up fees, conditions for the elderly, an English Parliament or his outrageous remarks about English people.

I'll be writing back.

* See HM Treasury, ‘Total central government and public corporations' identifiable expenditure on services by country and region per head, 1999-00 to 2004-05’, Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses, Cm 6521, (London: HMSO, 2005) p. 113. It's all there in black and white.


Gavin Ayling said...

It is quite bizarre to me -- the party relies entirely on funds raised in England by members who, though they were born loving the Union, have changed (as he pretends to be keen on) into lovers of England.

The CEP position is entirely the position of most Conservative members (I have met only one Unionist and one other Europhile who genuinely did not agree). Cameron is continuing a tradition of ignoring the membership on the EU and immigration -- to do the same on England would be three major issues that the Parliamentary party is distant from the membership. How many before EDP and UKIP start taking members?

wonkotsane said...

I've gone off Cameron quicker than I did off Bliar. Quite an achievement. Who's left to stand up for England?

terry gg said...

hi david
its the only i could contact you can you help us the new type visa are stopping us from bringing children from Belarus the people are poor, have problems with health from chernobyl the costs for trying to have the visa are just too much so at the momant no children are coming for christmas please stand up and tell mr brown make the new visa start 16 on wards please help us terry